Dear Colleague,
APIPP recently received the first report of Japanese stiltgrass in the Adirondacks. Read more below to learn about how our rapid response crew worked with the landowner to act quickly to control this highly invasive plant. Our response team also helped a private landowner control tree-of-heaven, which is often a host for spotted lanternfly. If you know of tree-of-heaven sites in the Adirondacks, find out more about treatment options below. Below you will also find links to upcoming webinars, grants available from the Lake Champlain Basin Program, and the APIPP Fall Partner Meeting scheduled for November 4.
Watch Out for Japanese Stiltgrass
APIPP’s teams have been on the lookout for Japanese stiltgrass for several years. Unfortunately, we recently had the first reported infestation in the Adirondacks. The good news is that a savvy landowner reported it, and APIPP was able to send our rapid response crew in quickly to work with the property owner to survey and treat the site.
This seemingly innocuous grass can have a big impact if left alone. It is highly invasive and forms extensive mats that displace other species. After it dies back in late fall, it forms a thick layer of smothering thatch that is slow to decompose and that can create a fire hazard. Seeds are easily spread by construction equipment, automobile tires, and dirty boots.
One of the defining characteristics of this grass is the silvery stripe or “midrib” on the top of the leaf. Please be on the lookout for this species! Click here for a very detailed field guide for identifying this invasive plant and common “look-alikes.” More information for landowners can be found here. Please report any sightings to iMapInvasives or to APIPP.
Help for Tree-of-Heaven
Tree-of-heaven is often the preferred host tree for spotted lanternfly (SLF). SLF poses a serious threat to many agricultural plants and to trees such as sugar maple. Fortunately, there are only a few reported occurrences of tree-of-heaven in the Adirondacks. APIPP can help private landowners remove these trees! Please contact APIPP if you have this tree on your property. You can use this fact sheet to learn more about tree-of-heaven. Great information about SLF can be found on the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets website.
September Webinars
Gypsy Moths: What to Plan For—Thursday, September 23, 1:00pm (Lake George and YouTube)
Join Warren County and the Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District on September 23 for a discussion about gypsy moths. The presentation will feature Rob Cole from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. The workshop will provide a general overview of the problems these caterpillars can cause and how property owners can safely address them this fall and next spring. The event will be held at the Warren County Municipal Center in Lake George at 1:00pm and livestreamed through the Warren County YouTube page. For more information contact:
Backyard Invasives: Identification, Control, and Management Tips to Prepare Your Property for Fall—Thursday, September 30, 10:00am (Zoom)
Many Adirondack homeowners have invasive plants growing in their backyards. Learn how you can identify these plants and control their spread. This APIPP workshop will provide attendees with the knowledge needed to carry out safe chemical and manual control of invasive species following the principles of integrated pest management (IPM). Learn some tips and tricks to reduce the impact of invasive species before winter's arrival in the Adirondacks and to help you get the most out of your lawn and garden come spring. If the timing of this webinar does not fit your schedule, recordings will be available via APIPP's YouTube channel following the event. Please RSVP to receive the link to the webinar and/or to be notified when the video is posted online.
Save the Date: APIPP Fall Partner Meeting—Thursday, November 4, 9:30am–12:00pm (Zoom)
APIPP will host its Fall Partner Meeting virtually on November 4 from 9:30am-12:00pm. Please mark your calendar now; registration details will be available soon. Join APIPP and our partners to learn about new invasive species detections in the Adirondacks and to hear invasive species management success stories from the 2021 field season. There will be two featured speakers. Sawyer Gardner from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will report on emerald ash borer biocontrol releases in the region along with cooperating partners. Michale Glennon from the Adirondack Watershed Institute will discuss new data about recreational boating activity in the Adirondacks and the connection to the spread of invasive species.
Grants Available from the Lake Champlain Basin Program
The Lake Champlain Basin Program recently announced its fall 2021 grant programs. This includes grants of up to $15,000 to help maintain healthy ecosystems by preventing and managing the spread of aquatic invasive species. Proposals are due by October 27, 2021.
Thank you for all your great work this summer to help control invasive species!