APIPP News: Climate Webinar; Looking for Historic Photos

APIPP News: Climate Webinar; Looking for Historic Photos

Dear Partners,

I hope you enjoyed the warm stretch of Labor Day weather. Join us next Wednesday for a free webinar about how the changing climate could make conditions more favorable to invasive species in the Adirondacks.

There is still time to survey for beech leaf disease and aquatic invasive species; read more below. Below you’ll also find a link to a quick survey to get your thoughts on a 2024 Adirondack Invasive Species Symposium. And, mark your calendars now for the APIPP December Partner Meeting and 20th Anniversary Celebration.

Invasive Species in a Changing Climate Webinar: Wednesday, September 20, 10:00am, Zoom

As Adirondack summers get longer and winters become milder, scientists are continuously studying the effects these new conditions will have on natural systems. One of the many concerning effects is how our changing climate will make the Adirondacks more hospitable to invasive species. Register here to join APIPP from 10:00-11:30am on September 20 for a free webinar, “Invasive Species in a Changing Climate.” Learn about what makes a species invasive, how some invasive species could benefit from a milder Adirondack climate, how climate change could make managing invasive species more difficult, and which invasive species stand to benefit the most from climate change.

The lead speaker is Dr. Eva Colberg, with Cornell’s New York Invasive Species Research Institute (NYISRI). Dr. Colberg is working with natural resource managers to develop guidelines for climate-smart invasive species management in the Northeast. Other speakers include APIPP Terrestrial Invasive Species Project Coordinator Becca Bernacki and APIPP Communications Coordinator Shaun Kittle.

Your Input Wanted for 2024 Invasive Species Symposium

APIPP hosts a biennial invasive species symposium to bring the latest information about invasive species to the Adirondacks. We are planning ahead for a "New Technologies in Invasive Species Management" symposium in 2024 and want your feedback. Please complete this very short survey to give us your input on dates, locations, and topics. Thank you for your input!

There is Still Time to Survey for AIS and BLD. Thank you Volunteers!

There is still time for Lake Protectors to survey waterbodies for aquatic invasive species (AIS) and for Forest Pest Hunters to search for beech leaf disease (BLD).

Lake Protectors have already submitted over 75 reports! Thank you. If you have not submitted your report, please find all you need to know here and fill out your survey report. 

Forest Pest Hunters have also submitted over 75 reports and have adopted 59 trails. Find out all you need to know about surveying for BLD here. This year’s BLD reporting season ends October 1oth.

Thank you to our amazing volunteers. You provide information that is essential for guiding policies and programs.

Celebrate APIPP’s 20th Anniversary at the December Partner Meeting—

Wednesday, December 6, 10:00am-2:00pm, Keene Valley, NY (virtual option available from 10:00am – 12:00pm)

Please join us in celebrating APIPP’s 20th Anniversary at the 2023 APIPP Fall Partner meeting! This is a great opportunity to connect with friends and celebrate the partners, volunteers, and staff that have helped protect the Adirondacks from the threat of invasive species for two decades.

The meeting will include a brief history of APIPP and a review of APIPP’s summer 2023 highlights and will also showcase the importance of volunteers to the success of this program. If you have photos or anecdotes to share from your involvement in APIPP, please send them to tammara.vanryn@tnc.org.

The meeting will be held at The Nature Conservancy’s office at 8 Nature Way in Keene Valley, NY, with a Zoom option for those who wish to virtually attend the 10:00am – 12:00pm morning session. Please register to join us. If you are joining us in person, please come a little early to say hello, grab some coffee, and take a seat. Please bring your own lunch, and plan to stay until 2:00pm for a partner roundtable and time to share historic anecdotes.

