APIPP Lake Protectors Training: Part 1. Aquatic Invasive Species Identification

  • 30 Jun 2021 At: 09:00:AM - 10:00:AM
  • Online via Zoom
  • Register Now

APIPP Lake Protectors Training: Part 1. Aquatic Invasive Species Identification

One of the biggest threats to Adirondack aquatic biodiversity, recreation, and drinking water quality is the introduction of invasive plants and animals that can clog waterways and break down ecosystems. Detecting invasive species EARLY, before populations grow out of control, is the most effective way  to protect the lakes we love from the negative impact of invasive species. To date, over 800 citizen scientists have surveyed over 400 lakes throughout the Adirondacks. This two-part Lake Protectors training will give participants the skills they need to  support local conservation while having fun out on the water. Live participation in these trainings is not necessary to participate in APIPP's Lake Protectors Volunteer program this summer. Webinar recordings will be available via APIPP's YouTube channel to get involved with self-guided trainings following the live event. 

Part 1: 6/30/21 9:00 - 10:00 am, Aquatic Invasive Species Identification 

Part 2: 6/30/21 10:30 - 12:00 pm: Survey Methods (RSVP online here)

 For more questions please reach out to Brian Greene, APIPP Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator (Brian.Greene@TNC.org), or Emily-Bell Dinan, APIPP Outreach and Education Coordinator (Emily-Bell.Dinan@TNC.org).