Best Management Practices for Roadside Invasive Species

Best Management Practices for Roadside Invasive Species

Invasive species can wreak havoc along our roadways by blocking signage, damaging infrastructure, and increasing the need for roadside maintenance, all of which cost time and money. “Best Management Practices for Roadside Invasive Species” will review how to identify invasive plants that are commonly found along roadsides, how to help prevent spreading those species to new locations, and the best management practices for controlling roadside invasives.

This webinar is designed for highway right-of-way professionals, including maintenance and operations staff from state, county, and local governments, and offers 1.25 NYS pesticide credits in categories 3a, 6a, and 9. Live participation in the webinar and successful completion of an online quiz are required to receive credits. While designed for highway department personnel and pesticide applicators, “Best Management Practices for Roadside Invasive Species” will also provide important information for land managers and homeowners.