Join the Lake George Land Conservancy (LGLC) and the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program for a guided snowshoe walk to learn how to identify hemlock trees, survey for hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), and report your findings in iMapInvasives as well as to refresh your snowshoe and winter safety skills. This event is free and open to the public. This field event is designed to gain experience after participating in an HWA webinar. Watch the February 16th webinar here to learn the basics of HWA before you join us in the field.
Field Event Date: Monday, March 14, 2022
Time: 9:00AM-Noon
Location: Buck Mtn. Trailhead - Lake George Wild Forest
Cost: FREE, registration is required
Google Map Directions: G959+PQ Kattskill Bay, Queensbury, NY
Details: Parking is at the NYSDEC Buck Mtn. Trailhead off Pilot Knob Road. Snowshoes and/or microspikes are required and participants will be going off the trail to practice HWA surveying. Survey results will be recorded in iMapInvasives so bring your mobile device with the iMapInvasives app downloaded. (Click here for iMapInvasives installation instructions.) A high-powered headlamp is very helpful for surveying.
Note: If the event on March 14th must be canceled due to inclement weather, we will email you to alert you as soon as possible, and the event will instead be held on Friday March 18th from 9am-noon. Event details will remain the same.
Questions? Contact Monica Dore at or call 518-644-9673.